Autism is a disorder that occurs in children who are marked by developmental delays in cognitive
fields, communication, interest in social interaction, and behavior and children are only interested
in their own mental activities. West Sumatra to date has not had official data about autistic
patients, due to the presence of autistic children do not stay each semester. Autism search results in
2015 as many as 301 children with autism in all SLB Padang city (West Sumatra Education &
Culture, 2015). The population in this study is the family caring for autistic children in Solok city,
amounting to 106 people. With a sample size of 42 for control and 42 for the intervention group
The sampling technique in the study was proportional random sampling. Sampling is done in
proportion by taking the subject. The result of family characteristic analysis in the intervention
group from 42 respondents, middle age category was 20 people (23,8%), female 38 people
(45,2%), average of middle and junior high education respondents was 31 people (36.9%),
respondents who work 27 people (32.1%), as many as 37 people (44.0%) are direct parents who
care for the autistic child itself. In the control group of 42 respondents, the middle age category
was 20 people (23.8%), female (36.8%), the average of middle and junior high school education
was 37 people (44 , 0%), respondents who work 31 people (36.9%), as many as 34 people (40.4%)
are direct parents who care for autistic children themselves.
Keywords: Eutism, psicoeduction, family
Reference: 92 (2000-2016)
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