The Study of administrative structuring of Village Government aims to find the things that need to
be addressed about the administration, especially administrative administration related to the
smooth administrative process of both General Administration, Population Administration,
Finance Administration, Development Administration and other administration related to the
activities of Village Consultative Agency as well as those related to the activities of other
Community Institutions in Balai Makam village, Mandau Sub-district, Bengkalis District, and the
administration of the Government concerning the strengthening of the Village Institution, the
delegation of authority to the village and the Village Allocation Fund.
The results of the administrative study concerning public administration in general are quite good
with the availability of complete administrative books although there are some things that need to
be addressed regarding the procedures, records and archiving as authentic documents and proofs
for the benefit of development, regulation and quick service to the community . For that the things
that must be done, among others, complement the facilities and infrastructure required for the
activities of Administration of the business, the guidance of the village head against the village
apparatus about the procedures and the implementation of administrative activities according to
their respective duties and functions. As for the implementation of village governance concerning
the strengthening of the Village Institution is good with the functioning of the Village
Permusyaratan Board as a partner of the Village Government, but there are things to note in order
to carry out their duties in accordance with existing procedures and laws and regulations, both
national, preferably in the filling of institutional positions, the village selectively conducts
recruitment by selecting persons with capabilities and relevant to the village governance issue.
Keywords: Administrative Structuring, Village Government
Teks Lengkap:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v12i8.870
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