Patients with stroke in Indonesia is increasing every year and experiencing various
physical disorders, psychological disorders, communication disorders, and cognitive
impairment. The experience felt by post-stroke patients varies depending on the condition
of each individual. The purpose of this study was to explore the life experiences of poststroke
patients. This research was conducted in Bukittinggi City and its surrounding area
from 20 October to 20 November 2017. The research type is qualitative research with
phenomenology study. Participants were taken based on purposive sampling which
amounted to 7 people based on the inclusion criteria; post-stroke patients who have gone
through 6 months of stroke, no speech impairment, and mild to moderate degree of stroke.
Data from the participants in the analysis using the Collaizi analysis technique. The results
of the research were 5 themes: 1) The perceived response to post-stroke condition
changes; 2) Inner power as a source of strength; 3) Efforts to overcome illnesses by
undergoing medical and traditional medicine; 4) Family Support; 5) Sexual response felt
by post-stroke patients. It is expected that nurses in hospitals and other healthcare services
will be able to improve health education on stroke-related diseases for patients and
families and address psychosocial problems by providing life-nursing therapy such as
supportive therapy, cognitive therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, thought stopping
therapy, and family psychoeducation
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