This research discusses the application of Semiotic theory proposed by Rolland
Barthes which describes that literary work has some symbolic codes viewed from Semiotic
studies. In this analysis the writer discusses a short story “A Rose for Emily by William
Faulkner published in 1930. Here, the writer wants to prove the existence of some symbolic
codessemiotically in the short story.
This research is qualitative research by using descriptive method. Data is gained by
library research method and other sources taken from the web. In this research, the data is
analysed based on its relationship with the purpose of the research both instrinsic and extrinsic
element in literary work, then applying five codes in Semiotic theory proposed by Barthes.
After applying the symbolic codes into the short story, the writer found there are three
symbolic codes hidden in “A Rose for Emily”, proairetic, hermeneutic, and cultural code. The
proairetic code gives the reader explanation about what happen to the main character during
her life and the cause of her madness. The hermeneutic code gives the reader the explanation
about the madness of the main character. Finally the cultural code in “A Rose for Emily” is
regarding from family status too high will cause the bad effect to the member of the family.
The writer also finds the similarity within the cultural code about the culture of the white to
indifference the African American people.
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