Fitria Fatma


The puskesmas lasi having 3 the nagari usually have around , namely the nagari
lasi , bukik batabuah , and canduang the koto .The number of or dug wells who 2754 well
near the village of with the total number of of jorong a the name that was most often are
Jorong Bingkudu.Any water content or dug wells nagari bingkudu the majority of
containing iron ( fe ) as much as 54 % .The nature of all that fe higher than the
standardization of quality standards of the water may cause some serious problems today
the environment and health.The nature of all that fe or dug wells the community in
Kenagarian lasi as much as 2,05 mg / l in the year 2014 , the nature of all that fe 2,09 mg /
l years 2015, and the nature of all that fe 2,89 mg / l years 2016.This study aims to to
investigate the extent to a combination of a sieve sand slow with the media sand of the
zeolite, charcoal hand across his, sand and gravel.In a reduction of the nature of all that
substance as iron ( fe ) water from the wells dug out of the people by keeping the use of a
sieve sand slow in the work area of the PuskesmasLasi Kabupaten Agam years
2017.Where is this report is written with two types of the test and been approved treatment
pt pgn promised to supply a sieve 1 with medium sand of the zeolite 10 police post cm
grand cinema, charcoal hand across his 10 police post cm grand cinema, sand 3 cm keikil
2 cm and sifting the 2 with medium sand of the zeolite 40 police post cm grand cinema,
charcoal hand across his 15 police post cm grand cinema, sand 4 police post cm grand
cinema, gravel 3 police post cm grand cinema.Based on the research be made known be
that the level of substance as iron ( fe ) in water or dug wells is 3,72 mg / l, after filtering
these chareges in the future 1 rata-rata 0.7512 mg /l , and after sifting 2 is 0.4450 mg / l
.With pvalue 0,007.
There are differences between the research rata-rata filtered by sifting firts.This
means that the combination is more effective than filtering filtering two with combinations
of filtering media sand of the zeolite 40 cm, charcoal hand across 15 cm, sand 4 cm, gravel
3 cm .
Keywords: Slow sand filter, zeolite sand, shell charcoal, sand, Gravel,iron content (fe)

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v12i7.847

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