Yessi Fadriyanti, Yosi Suryarinilsih


Patient safety is now a global issue which is now being reported to the demands of patients
on medical errors that occur in patients. Patient safety goals is a requirement to be implemented in
all hospitals accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. Patient safety goals is
expected to prevent or reduce injury and improve patient safety pasien.Menurut report from IOM
(Institute of Medicine) in 1999 Amarika openly stated that at least 44,000 and even 98,000 patients
died in the hospital within one year as a result of medical errors (medical errors) which previously
could have been prevented, this has resulted in lawsuits experienced increased hospital. This study
aims to determine the relationship of nurses working hours with the application of patient safety
goals. This type of research is a quantitative study, using cross-sectional study with a sample of 93
people. Ways sampling with proportional random sampling. The results showed no significant
relationship between hours of work, length of work and knowledge of nurses with the application
of patient safety goals. Variables related to the implementation of patient safety goals are age and
education. The results of this study can be considered for admission to the hospital on new nurses
need to consider the age factor in early adulthood, lists the nursing staff who will participate in
continuing education and supervision to nurses related to patient safety.
Keywords: patient safety, patient safety incidents

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