Nova Yanti, Yesi Fadriyanti


Blood pressure is influenced by age, stress, ethnicity, gender, daily variation, medications, activity and
weight, as well as smoking. Nurses at risk of heart disease, hypertension, thyroid, asthma, digestive
disorders, and diabetes as the effects of shift work. The research design was quasi experiment aimed to
compare the blood pressure of nurses before and after shifts, morning, afternoon, and evening. Sample
of 36 nurses who work shifts in the intensive care units. The results showed a significant difference
between systolic before and after the evening shift (p = 0, 17). Furthermore, there is no significant
difference between the systolic (p = 0.781) and diastolic (p = 0.248) before and after the morning shift,
diastolic (p = 0.558) before and after the afternoon shift, and systolic (p = 0.379) and diastolic (p =
0.649) before and after the night shift. Nurses have risk factors for obesity increased blood pressure,
rarely exercise and work shifts. This study recommends that nurses manage their weight, exercising
regularly, and reducing stress to avoid a rise in blood pressure, as well as further research to design
Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) with a number of larger samples
Keywords: Blood pressure, shift, nurse

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