Darlisma Surya Darma Siregar


To support the creation of a sense of security for every individual within the scope of the
household, Law No. 23 of 2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence (KDRT) explicitly
explains that everyone is prohibited from domestic violence against persons within the scope of
their household by: a. Physical Abuse b. Fsychic violence c. sexual assault and d. abandonment of
household. In writing this essay, the authors categorize the two problems is how the process of
proof in the investigation of criminal acts of physical violence in the household and what the legal
basis added the witness other than the victim's witness in the investigation of criminal acts of
physical violence in the household. The research method used is empirical juridical method, while
data collection is obtained through interviews and written data sources from library or library
From the research result, it can be seen that the proof process in the investigation of the
crime of physical violence in the household in Pasaman Police refers to Article 55 of Law Number
23 Year 2004, which to determine a person as a suspect, the investigator can find evidence of
victim testimony which is supplemented with other evidence of visum et repertum examination
results. However, the investigator is also not wrong to add other witnesses other than victim
witnesses because there are no rules that prohibit about it.
Keywords: Evidence, investigation, crime, physical violence in the household,

Teks Lengkap:



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