This study aimeds to determine the influence of price perceptions on the decision of
ornamental plant rental on Tunas Mandiri Flowers & Lanscape in Pekanbaru. Demand for
rental ornamental plants because consumers wanted the place remains beautiful but do not
want to waist their time with maintaining the plants, hiriing gardeners and so forth. Thus, the
rental of ornamental plants to be an alternative selected by some consumers who want to
beautify their home or the place where they work. Tunas Mandiri Flowers & Lancsape was
one that took the opportunity. Demand for the rental of ornamental plants varied from the
choice of ornamental plant packages, the duration of leasing, and the choice of plant functions
and the price offered. Pricing offered by Tunas Mandiri Flowers & Lanscape could affect
consumer decisions. Every consumer had a different price perception to the ornamental plants
to be purchased. The population and sample in this study were all customers of
Tunas Mandiri Flowers & Lanscape. There were 46 customers, from offices, hotels until
individuals. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis and simple linear regression
using SPSS 21.0 for windows. The results obtained t value> t table (18,167> 2.015). From
these results it could be concluded that the perception of the price affected the decision of
ornamental plants lease on Tunas Mandiri Flowers & Lanscape in Pekanbaru. The value of
coefficient of determination (r square) obtained by 0.833. This means that 83.3% of the
variation in consumer decision variables could be explained by the variable of price
perception, while the remaining 16.7% was explained by other variables not proposed in this
Keywords: Price Perception, Consumer Decision
ornamental plant rental on Tunas Mandiri Flowers & Lanscape in Pekanbaru. Demand for
rental ornamental plants because consumers wanted the place remains beautiful but do not
want to waist their time with maintaining the plants, hiriing gardeners and so forth. Thus, the
rental of ornamental plants to be an alternative selected by some consumers who want to
beautify their home or the place where they work. Tunas Mandiri Flowers & Lancsape was
one that took the opportunity. Demand for the rental of ornamental plants varied from the
choice of ornamental plant packages, the duration of leasing, and the choice of plant functions
and the price offered. Pricing offered by Tunas Mandiri Flowers & Lanscape could affect
consumer decisions. Every consumer had a different price perception to the ornamental plants
to be purchased. The population and sample in this study were all customers of
Tunas Mandiri Flowers & Lanscape. There were 46 customers, from offices, hotels until
individuals. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis and simple linear regression
using SPSS 21.0 for windows. The results obtained t value> t table (18,167> 2.015). From
these results it could be concluded that the perception of the price affected the decision of
ornamental plants lease on Tunas Mandiri Flowers & Lanscape in Pekanbaru. The value of
coefficient of determination (r square) obtained by 0.833. This means that 83.3% of the
variation in consumer decision variables could be explained by the variable of price
perception, while the remaining 16.7% was explained by other variables not proposed in this
Keywords: Price Perception, Consumer Decision
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Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat
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