The use of Diploma Supplement (SKPI in Indonesian Term) is crucial nowadays in order to
know the quality of graduate student produced, this is supported by occuring government’s
rules number 81 year 2014 section 1st part 4th about Certificate, Profession Certificate, and
University Competence Certificate which states Certificate of Accompanying Diploma/SKPI
in Indonesian Term/Diploma Supplement in English Term is a kind of document containing
academic achievement information or qualification of titled higher education, therefore, it is
expected may produced qualified graduate students who can be accepted in the society and for
their future career. However, based on survey result, there are still many universities have not
used yet diploma supplement recently, whereas the universities which have used diploma
supplement is still manual or uncomputerized yet in database program, therefore they face
difficulty in searching datas or processing datas of this diploma suppelement. To solve this
problem there has been done such programme of web-android based information system, the
research done by research and development technique. By using this method, it is expected
may produced proven products and may access online implementation by applying SDLC
(System Development Life Cycle) as a model of this research. The implementation of online
application of diploma supplement/SKPI is expected simply used by all users, university
students or academic part, as a result it can be easier to make it real the purpose of developing
its diploma supplemet/SKPI.
Keywords : SKPI(Diploma Supplement, implementation, online, SDLC
know the quality of graduate student produced, this is supported by occuring government’s
rules number 81 year 2014 section 1st part 4th about Certificate, Profession Certificate, and
University Competence Certificate which states Certificate of Accompanying Diploma/SKPI
in Indonesian Term/Diploma Supplement in English Term is a kind of document containing
academic achievement information or qualification of titled higher education, therefore, it is
expected may produced qualified graduate students who can be accepted in the society and for
their future career. However, based on survey result, there are still many universities have not
used yet diploma supplement recently, whereas the universities which have used diploma
supplement is still manual or uncomputerized yet in database program, therefore they face
difficulty in searching datas or processing datas of this diploma suppelement. To solve this
problem there has been done such programme of web-android based information system, the
research done by research and development technique. By using this method, it is expected
may produced proven products and may access online implementation by applying SDLC
(System Development Life Cycle) as a model of this research. The implementation of online
application of diploma supplement/SKPI is expected simply used by all users, university
students or academic part, as a result it can be easier to make it real the purpose of developing
its diploma supplemet/SKPI.
Keywords : SKPI(Diploma Supplement, implementation, online, SDLC
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Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat
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