Changes will occur on the body in line with increasing age. The circumstances of the case
it look on the system muskuloskletal and the other networks which will cause rheumatic
diseases. According to the WHO about the arthritis sufferer 2014 355 million people
throughout the world while in Indonesian rheumatism sufferers about 69.43 million
inhabitants. The refore implemented an arthritic gymnastics can decrease scale of pain in
sufferers of rheumatism. The type of research used Quasi experimental nature of pre-post test
with control group. The population in this research is elderly aged 60 to 80 years. The sample
in this research totalled 16 people given gymnastics rheumatism. With the techniques of
sampling the sampling porpusive. This research has been conducted in april-may 2016.
Dikumpulkandengan data using the observation sheets are then processed with computerized
analyzed by Univariate and bivariat. The research results obtained on the implementation of
the results of the univariate gymnastics rheumatism as many as 16 people. Result of the
decline in the scale of pain not significant after doing gymnastics rheumatism. The results of
statistical tests in the get sign = 0.004 invisible means there is influence of gymnastics
rheumatism pain scale decline in the elderly Maternal Affection PSTW Batusangkar. The
conclusion to be drawn that there is a decreasing scale of pain after doing gymnastics
rheumatism on the elderly and also recommend to the elderly to routinely perform gymnastics
Keywords : Rheumatic, Rheumatic Gymnastics, Decreased Pain.
it look on the system muskuloskletal and the other networks which will cause rheumatic
diseases. According to the WHO about the arthritis sufferer 2014 355 million people
throughout the world while in Indonesian rheumatism sufferers about 69.43 million
inhabitants. The refore implemented an arthritic gymnastics can decrease scale of pain in
sufferers of rheumatism. The type of research used Quasi experimental nature of pre-post test
with control group. The population in this research is elderly aged 60 to 80 years. The sample
in this research totalled 16 people given gymnastics rheumatism. With the techniques of
sampling the sampling porpusive. This research has been conducted in april-may 2016.
Dikumpulkandengan data using the observation sheets are then processed with computerized
analyzed by Univariate and bivariat. The research results obtained on the implementation of
the results of the univariate gymnastics rheumatism as many as 16 people. Result of the
decline in the scale of pain not significant after doing gymnastics rheumatism. The results of
statistical tests in the get sign = 0.004 invisible means there is influence of gymnastics
rheumatism pain scale decline in the elderly Maternal Affection PSTW Batusangkar. The
conclusion to be drawn that there is a decreasing scale of pain after doing gymnastics
rheumatism on the elderly and also recommend to the elderly to routinely perform gymnastics
Keywords : Rheumatic, Rheumatic Gymnastics, Decreased Pain.
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Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat
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