
This article discusses aboutextensive reading material for students in university level,
the benefits of Extensive Reading for students, and Extensive Reading approach. It considers
the benefits extensive reading can bring to English language learners and teachers. In
classroom, students read long texts or large quantities for general understanding, with the
intention of enjoying the texts. In selecting reading material,teacher should pay attention
toreading material, students’ choice, reading out of class, silent reading, language level, use of
dictionaries, and teacher as a model. Students are allowed to choose the books or article they
read depending on their interests in class. In this way students are encouraged to read for
pleasure and should become better readers. It will also increase students’ reading fluency,
motivation and vocabulary.

Key words:extensive reading, benefit, approach, reading material, vocabulary


Teks Lengkap:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v11i77.354

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