Nanik Yuzalmi


The Regional Handicraft Board (Dekranasda) of Riau Province, in line with its vision and
mission, seeks to preserve and grow craft, for the sake of sustainability and continuity as well
as continuity of handicraft production departing from the traditional artistic cultural values of
society with songket fabric of Riau Malay. But the realization of marketing from year to year
has not met the target and even decreased, this is the main concern Tenran Dekranasda in
carrying out its marketing efforts. The method used in this research is descriptive method by
using qualitative analysis and data analysis by linking between theory and problem studied.
The problem in this research is the factors of woven fabric songket Malay Riau. The results of
the research are: - Firstly, the marketing target of songket fabric of Riau Malay is caused by:
product, price, promotion and distribution. Second, product marketing, in this case is a
product of Malay songket woven fabric offered to the target market. Third, the interest of
consumers or buyers on the woven fabric of Riau Malay songket product is caused by the
quality factor, the motive and the color with the activity that communicates with the value of
the product and conveys the persuasion to the consumers on the products offered. Fourth,
Promotion given in the form of promotion to advertisement and sales promotion. Fifth, the
distribution of woven cloth of Riau Malay songket which is distributed directly or indirectly
and according to the buyer's buyer rating is considered good.
Keywords: Product, Price, Promotion and Distribution

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v11i76.310

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