Febriyeni Febriyeni


Abstract : Mother's Milk (ASI) is a baby's main requirement, exclusive breastfeeding demands good knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding. Health education about exclusive breastfeeding is an important factor that can influence maternal knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding. This study aims to determine the effect of health education using audio visual media on the knowledge and attitudes of breastfeeding mothers about exclusive breastfeeding in the Kolok health center Sawahlunto in 2018.
This type of research is pre-experiment with pre post test design approach. The population of this study were all breastfeeding mothers who had infants aged <6 months in the Kolok Health Center working area, sampling using quota sampling technique with a sample size of 16 people. Data collection used knowledge questionnaire, data analysis included univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using paired t-test.
The results showed that the average knowledge before intervention was 62.9% and increased to 87.5% after intervention. There is a difference in the average score of the respondents' knowledge between before and after the intervention with an average difference of 24.58% and p-value = 0,000. Whereas for the mother's attitude it was known that the average attitude score before intervention was 65.7% increasing to 82.39% after intervention. There are differences in the average attitude of respondents before and after the intervention with an average difference of 16.66% and p = 0.000.
It can be concluded that the provision of health education using audio visual media has a significant effect on increasing maternal knowledge about exclusive ASI. It is expected that there will be continuity in carrying out health education programs by health workers in order to increase maternal knowledge and attitude about exclusive breastfeeding and increase the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding for infants aged 0-6 months.
Reference : 40 (2004 – 2017)
Key word : Health Education, Audio Visual Knowledge, Attitude, Exclusive ASI

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