Detty Afriyanti


At present, the quality of services does not meet the needs of Pregnant Women because routine services emphasize the achievement of the quantity of visits. The level of satisfaction of pregnant women in antenatal care is still low compared to other health facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the level of satisfaction of pregnant women undergoing a routine antenatal care model with a continuous antenatal care model in the District Health Clinic of 2017.
The design of this study is quantitative with a pure experimental design with two assessments. The target population is all First Trimester Pregnant Women who come for their first check-up at the Puskesmas in Agam district which was held in April to August 2017. Data collection using questionnaires and data analysis is Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney test.
Based on the results of the study, obtained a higher level of satisfaction of pregnant women after undergoing a continuous antenatal care model compared to a routine antenatal care model. There is a difference in the quality of providing health information as expected by pregnant women undergoing the continuous antenatal care model compared to the antenatal care model.
Based on these results, it is expected that health practitioners provide antenatal services with a continuous antenatal care model, so that it will affect the increase in the degree of health of the mother and child.

Keywords: Antenatal, Pregnant Women, Satisfaction, Continuous ,, Routine

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