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According to World Health Organization (WHO), 90% of school-aged children in the world have
caries in their teeth. Caries is caused by plaque and it can only be cleaned by brushing. The
correct technique of brushing behavior is based on the knowledge of the children. One of the
methods that can be used in dental health education is storytelling. The purpose of this research is
to know the difference of students tooth brushing behavior toward dental health education by
storytelling method at SDN 13 Parit Putus Agam Regency. Pre-experimental research design had
been used as the design of this research with one group pretest posttest design with three
treatments. The samples of this research were 20 people. It can be gotten from non-probability
technique that was saturated sampling. The results of this research showed that the average
behavior of tooth brushing students before being given dental health education trough storytelling
method was 38.00. Meanwhile, after applying this method the average was around 45.15 with p
value = 0.000. Of the three domains studied, the most significant change was knowledge, is after
two treatments, while the attitude domain on the third treatment and action domain had not shown
a very significant difference after three treatments. In conclusion, there is significant difference
between tooth brushing behaviors on students before and after given dental health education by
storytelling method. It is suggested to health workers to apply this method in providing dental
health education to children in the school.
Keywords : Storytelling, Brushing Behavior

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