Pengaruh Waktu Kneading Terhadap Efektifitas Enkapsulasi Molekul Minyak Kemenyan pada β-Siklodekstrin (β-CD)

Fauzan Setiawan, Sri Benti Etika Hesty Parbuntari


Frankincense essential oil (Boswellia sp.) is useful as aromatherapy, cosmetic ingredients,
antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and an anticancer, but essential oils are generally
unstable, susceptible to high temperatures, and easily oxidized. Encapsulation provides a
solution to the problem. β-cyclodextrin is a good coating for the encapsulation of essential
oils. Research has been conducted to determine the complex stability of inclusions with a
variety of kneading times. FT-IR analysis showed that there was a shift in the wavelength
between the parent molecule of β-cyclodextrin and the inclusion complex, namely the
increase of the hydroxyl group (-OH) in the inclusion complex so that the widening of the
absorbance band occurred. The melting point of the inclusion complex is almost close to
the pure melting point of β-cyclodextrin (>290ºC), the melting point of the inclusion
complex with variations in kneading time 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 45 minutes
respectively 290ºC, 286ºC, and 278ºC. This high melting point shows inclusion complexes
that are stable and not easily damaged.
Keywords: encapsulation, frankincense, β-cyclodextrin, kneading, stability.

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