Mental health is important in the development of children, because children are the
next generation for the future. One of the mental health problems in children is depression.
Depression is a mental disorder characterized by the appearance of symptoms of
decreased mood, loss of interest in something, feelings of guilt, sleep disturbances, and
decreased of concentration. Depression that occurs in children is caused by two factors:
physical and psychological factors. Anxiety are part of the psychological factors that cause
depression. The purpose of this study is tosee the relationship of parents anxiety toward
depression in child at SDN 03 Simpang Haru Padang. The type of research used is
analytic with design cross sectional. The sample in this study were 54 people with
purposive sampling technique and research instrument using the Center For
Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale For Children (CES-DC) questionnaire
consisted of 20 statements and the Spance Children Anxiety Scale (SCAS) questionnaire
consisted of 18 statements. The study was conducted in June 2018. From the results of the
study, found that 46.3% respondents with depression and 46.3% of respondents with
anxiety. The result of statistical test shows that there is a significant correlation between
anxiety with depression in primary school children with P Value = 0.001. It is expected
that the school, especially at SDN 03 Simpang Haru Padang to further increase efforts to
prevent depression in children by increasing the role of counseling teacher at School.
Keywords : Depression, Anxiety, School Children
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