Sri Wardani, Cendrawirda


Leprosy is an infectious disease that does not cause death directly and can be cured with the
treatment of Multi Drug Treatment (MDT), but the disease will cause lifelong disability for leprosy
patients who are not treated properly and will become a public health problem. If the leprosy
disease that has experienced disability then the effort that needs to be done is self-care for the
defects suffered do not become more severe and acceptable again in the community. Puskesmas
Kijang Island with the highest number of leprosy cases in Indragiri Hilir Regency and many people
with disabilities. For that we need to do research. This study aims to determine the relationship of
self care with the incidence of leprosy defects in Puskesmas Kijang Island Indragiri Hilir Regency.
The research method is done by case control study. Population in this research is all leprosy
patients recorded in leprosy registers of Puskesmas counted 47 people. Sampling was done in total
sampling. Data analysis was done by univariate analysis (tendency central) and bivariate analysis
(chi square test) and collected data was processed by computerized method. The results of this
study found that 47 people with leprosy who did self-care as many as 28 people (59.6%) and who
did not care self as much as 19 people (40.4%). Of the 47 people who suffered from disability, the
disease continued as many as 18 people (38.3%) and who did not experience disability by 29
people (61.7%). The result of bivariate test showed that there was a correlation between self-care
and leprosy incidence (pvalue = 0.01) and the value of OR 6.3 means that leprosy patients who did
not take care of themselves were at risk for disability 6.3 times higher than those who did not care.
It is advisable to prevent leprosy from getting worse alias the occurrence of disability to leprosy
patients to understand early disease and take care of themselves regularly.

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