Juvenile delinquency is a behavior carried out by teenagers by ignoring the social values
that apply in society. Juvenile delinquency encompasses all behaviors that deviate from the
norms and laws of teenagers. This behavior can harm himself and the people around him.
Based on data from the Metro Jaya Regional Police of Pekanbaru in 2015 the number of
juvenile delinquency did increase from year to year, the purpose of this study was to find
out "Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Juvenile Delinquency in the Special Child
Development Institution (LPKA) Class IIB Pekanbaru".
This type of research is quantitative with descriptive design. The study was conducted at
the Child Special Guidance Institute (LPKA) Class IIB Pekanbaru in 2018. The population
in the study were all teenagers in the Pekanbaru Special Child Development Institution
(LPKA) Class IIB which amounted to 61 teenagers, with a sample taken 61 people by
sampling method namely sampling and analysis techniques are univariate.
The results obtained based on the factors that influence the occurrence of juvenile
delinquency based on self-factors that affect 41 people (67%) that did not affect 20 people
(33%), family environmental factors that affect 48 people (78%) which did not affect 13
people (21%), community environmental factors affecting 36 people (59%) that did not
affect 25 people (41%), school environment factors that affected 31 people (51%) which
did not affect 30 people (49%)
The conclusions in this study are that the factors that influence the occurrence of juvenile
delinquency in the Child Special Development Institution (LPKA) Class IIB Pekanbaru in
2018, factors that come from themselves, family environmental factors, community
environment, and school environmental factors.
Keywords: Juvenile Delinquency Factors, Teenagers
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v12i11.1059
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