Heni Heriyeni


Infant temperatures is low causedmetabolic process and physiological to be late. Speed
respiration and throb heart very late, pressure of low blood, The speed respiratory and
throb heart greatly slowed, low blood pressure and consciousness ieght (BBLR) early 30
minutes the infants experience temperature decreased 3-4°C. If this condition
continuously and it’s not get handling so can cause death in the newborn.Data health
official of Bengkalis regency for year 2016. Number of infant death( AKB) as much as 20
casewith cause death infant low weight (BBLR).In 2017 number of infant death(AKB) as
much as 6 case. The one of alternative to infant body temperature stability with kangaroo
method. The purpose research to knows the affect of kangaroo method on infant body
temperature stability. The types of research is quantitative analysis with Quasy
Experimental. This research conducted in the perinatology room bengkalis hospital
general district on December 20170 to August 2018 ,by using Purposive Sampling . The
method of research used is non parametric test such as wilcoxon test. The instrument
thisresearch areusing page observation and thermometer . The result research has been
do to 34 respondent were given treatment of kangaroo method for 1 day will be getting
changes in average body temperature before given treatment kangaroo method in the
amount of 35.45°C while after 37.10°C . The result test of wilcoxon non parameticwill be
got is affect of kangaroo method on stability infant body temperature in the perinatology
room Bengkalis hospital general district with p- 0.000. So, it concluded the kangaroo
method has a strong affect to increasing infant's body temperature. It’s hoped can
continuously toimprove the mother’s knowledge in giving treatment of kangaroo method
on infants to increase or stabilize the infant’s body temperature as well as improve the
bouding between mother and her baby.
Key word :Affect, Kangaroo Method, Temperature Stability

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