Primary dysmenorrhoea is defined as pain arising from myometrial dysrhythmic
contractions with one or two symptoms ranging from mild to severe pain in the lower
abdomen, buttocks and thighs. The purpose of this study is to describe the factors that
influence the symptoms of primary dysmenorrhoea. The factors studied were age of
menarche, body mass index, family history, menstrual cycle and malondialdehyde (MDA)
levels. This research is an observation research with Cross Sectional design to determine
the factors that cause dysmenorrhea in adolescents. The study was conducted on 23 girls
aged 17-20 years with clinical signs of primary dysmenorrhea, having dysmenorrhea in
the menstrual cycle in the past 6 months. Data were obtained using checklists and
examination of Malondialdehyde levels using Thiobarbituric Acid method. The measuring
instruments used are spectrophotometer, adult scales, microtoice, tools have been tested by
the Department of Industry and Trade UPTD Metrology Center. The factors that cause
dysmenorrhea can be seen from the age factor of menarche less than 12 years, body mass
index factors in obese adolescents, factors in the family history of dysmenorrhea, ovulatory
menstrual cycle factors (regular) and Malondialdehide level factors <2.14 μmol/ml.
Research suggestions, you should do research by linking the influencing factors,
antioxidant factors in the body, doing research when 1-2 days of menstruation.
Suggestions for teenagers to maintain their diet (4 healthy 5 perfect), exercise routine,
healthy lifestyle. When dysmenorrhea occurs, a method can be done to reduce pain,
including; by doing relaxation (yoga), acupuncture (doing massage with aromatherapy),
listening to music, hypnotherapy (changing the mindset from negative to positive), the use
of supplements (fish oil, vitamin E, Chinese herbs).
Keywords: dysmenorrhea, risk factors, adolescence
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v12i10.1007
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