Silvia Intan Suri


Based on some experience of smokers, smoking habit can be stopped in some time. However, not
all that successful in stopping the habitin a long period of time. Still a little research to see how the
experience of the former smokers who successfully stopped smoking habit. This research aims to
explore in depth the psychological experience of former smokers in stopping smoking habit. This
research uses qualitative research methods with the phenomenology of approach. Data
obtained with the in-depth interview against 5 persons participating which have variation in
the length of time it has managed to stop smoking. Research results get some major aspect of the
successful. Response smokers in quitting smoking; the obstacles they face, the mechanism
of motivation and koping used in stop smoking habit, and the changes to be felt after quitting. This
research managed to identify some important aspects such as the strategies used and the
underlying motivation to stop smoking. Expected results of this research can be an input
for smokers or health workers in providing support so that smokers can quit their habits for long
periods of time or permanently.
Keywords: Experiences, Psychological, Former smoker

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