The agricultural ecosystem has a diversity of habitats that vary greatly from simple to
complex. Observing the diversity of insects in agricultural areas is important to support
increased production. An insect inventory study of tidal rice crops has been conducted in
Indragiri Hilir Regency. Objective of research was to obtain information about the types of
insects in tidal rice plant ecosystems. This research was conducted using purposive
random sampling. Collection of insects was done using pitfall trap, yellow pan trap, swing
nets and malaise traps. Tidal rice plantation area of Indragiri regency has 8 types of insect
order obtained from 4 types of traps installed, ie insect order diptera, hymenoptera,
hemiptera, orthoptera, coleoptera, lepidoptera, collembola and odonata. The highest
insect population at the time before the rice planting period was occupied by insects of the
order, followed by hymenoptera, hemiptera, orthoptera, coleoptera, lepidotera, and
collembola respectively. Indragiri's downstream rice cultivation has high biodiversity
potential and biological agents to be developed.
Kata kunci : Ecosystem, insect, habitat, tidal rice, malaise trap
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