Kristy Mellya Putri


Early mobilization not performed by the post section caesarea mother resulted in longer
hospitalization, which is more than 4 days and the wound healing process is slow. Another
impact caused by late mobilization is the occurrence of infection. This research is descriptive
with cross sectional approach, the population of this research are all postpartum caesarea
RSIA Annisa of Jambi City that is 627, 40 samples of accidental sampling technique and
univariat and bivariate analyzed. The results of this study showed early mobilization of
72.5%, good perception of 62.5% and a positive attitude of 55%. There is relation of
perception of postpartum mother with early mobilization of post section of caesarea at RSIA
Annisa Jambi City 2017 with p-value 0,008. There is no relationship of postpartum attitude
with early mobilization of post section of caesarea at RSIA Annisa Jambi City 2017 with pvalue
0,270. For that it is expected that health workers pay attention in terms of providing
good food consumed during post-surgery, especially protein and vitamin intake, but also
mobilization guidelines need to be implemented according to the procedure for normal
wound healing process.
Keywords: Perception, attitude, early mobilization

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