Perbedaan Efektivitas Pemberian Essensial Oil Peppermint dan Aroma Terapi Lavender terhadap Intensitas Mual dan Muntah pada Ibu Hamil Trimester I di Puskesmas Baso Kabupaten Agam Tahun 2017

Zuraida Elsa Desria Sari


Nausea and vomiting is a condition most often complained by pregnant
women, especially trimester pregnant women I, where nausea vomiting
experienced by 60-80% of pregnant women. This study aims to differentiate the
Effectiveness of Essential Oil Peppermint and Lavender Therapy on the Intensity
of Nausea and Vomiting in Trimester Pregnant Women at Baso Health Center of
Agam District in 2017.
This type of research is pre-experimental with one group pre-test-post test
wit control group desgin. The population in this study were all of the first
trimester pregnant women in the work area of Baso Puskesmas that is as many as
14 people in September. Sampling using total sampling technique. Data collection
in this study used observation sheets of nausea and vomiting. Data analysis
included univariate analysis and bivariate analysis performed by computerization
The results showed that the essential oil peppermint was effective in
reducing the intensity of nausea of vomiting with an average decrease of 5.42 and
p = 0,000, giving aroma of lavender therapy is also effective against decreased
nausea vomiting pregnant women with an average decrease in nausea vomiting
3.28 and p = 0.001. Essential oil peppermint is more effective against decreased
nausea of vomiting in pregnant women with p = 0,017.
It can be concluded that the essential oil peppermint is more effective
against decreased nausea of vomiting in pregnant women trimester I. For it is
expected to pregnant women to be able to use the essence of peppermint oil that is
more effective against the reduction of nausea of vomiting in pregnant women.
Daftar Pustaka : 21 (2008-2016)
Kata Kunci : Peppermint, aroma terapi lavender

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