Indres wati


Maternal mortality rate (MMR) is the main indicator of public health status.
Maternal death in Bukittinggi in the recent two years has increased significantly. Initial
survey found that maternal death in three hospitals in 2011 were 11 cases, in 2012 11
cases, in 2013 13 cases, in 2014 15 cases and until September 2015 there have been 15
cases of maternal death (Hospital Annual Report).
This research was case kontrol study. The population were all of pregnant women,
intrapartum and postpartum women who were died in the Hospitals in Bukittinggi
(Hospital based) in the period 2013-2015, as 43 cases and the population kontrol were all
of intrapartum women who were registered in the Hospitals in Bukittinggi in the period
2013-2015 which were 4.068 persons. Samples were 30 people with the ratio 1:1. The
main data was secondary data, namely the medical record of the health services and the
result of maternal audit from the hospitals. Data processing and analizing was done
computerized. The result shows that there is an association between the social factor
delayed in seeking aid by poor economic reason (p = 0,018 dan OR = 4,297), delayed in
achieving care in health facilities because of unavailable blood (p=0.045 and OR=6,000),
accessibility from living house and health services (p=0,001 and OR=10,286) and
acceptance in health services (p=0,008 and OR=14,500) with maternal death. There is no
association between delayed in reaching health facilities, infrastucture availability, and
suitability of referral service with maternal mortality. Hospitals are expected to perform
periodical audit in health services in all departments, such as emergency department,
oparating room and treatment room.
Keyword: Social factors, accessibility, maternal mortality

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