Fransiskus Hardin Berot


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by Dengue virus. According
to data obtained each year, the incidence of DHF has increased and there are still many
people or families who suffer from DHF. This happens due to lack of knowledge and
attitude of the community in the implementation of PSN 3M Plus. This study aims to
determine the relationship Between Knowledge Level and Community Attitudes with 3M
Plus Action in the Working Area Puskesmas Belimbing Padang City Year 2017. The type
of research used is an analytical survey with cross sectional study approach. The study
was conducted on Desember 5 to December 18, 2017. The number of samples from this
study is 100 heads of households. Multistage Random Sampling. Data collection was done
by interview, observation and questionnaire. Data analysis technique with univariate and
bivariate analysis. Data is processed by computerized by Chi-Square test. Based on the
results of this study, 63.0% have a high knowledge, 59.0% have a positive attitude, and
58.0% doing 3M plus PSN action. From bivariate test result there is no correlation
between knowledge with action of PSN 3M Plus (p value = 0,987). And there is an attitude
relationship with PSN 3M Plus (p value = 0,030). This research is expected for officers at
Puskesmas Belimbing Padang City to further intensify information dissemination
intensively to the community about the importance of doing PSN 3M Plus activities to
prevent the happening of DHF.
Keywords : Knowledge, Attitude, PSN Action 3M Plus

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