The implementation of Diabetes Mellitus therapy can normalize the activity of insulin and
blood glucose level to reduce the complication caused by DM, the highest prevalence of DM in
Yogyakarta 2,6%, DKI Jakarta 2,5%, North Sulawesi 2,4%, East Kalimantan 2,3% and West
Sumatera 1.3%. The research purpose is to know the description of DM disease management
in Polyclinic Pariaman Hospital
The type of this research is descriptive. This research was conducted at Polyclinic Pariaman
Hospital, the research population was all patients of Diabetes Mellitus with 82 samples with
accidental sampling technique. The data were collected by questioner, then the data was
processed by computerization and then analyzed.
The result of the research was the highest respondent's diet management in the high category
which is 61 people (74.4%), the physical exercise of the respondents was the lowest in the low
category of 43 people (52.4%), the most respondent in the high category was 63 people
(76.8% ) and the treatment of most respondents in the high category that is 48 people (58.5%).
It is desirable for patients to follow all the management processes of diet management as well
as treatment therapies that have been determined by the hospital, so that DM disease can be
Keywords : Diabetes Mellitus, therapy, Disease
blood glucose level to reduce the complication caused by DM, the highest prevalence of DM in
Yogyakarta 2,6%, DKI Jakarta 2,5%, North Sulawesi 2,4%, East Kalimantan 2,3% and West
Sumatera 1.3%. The research purpose is to know the description of DM disease management
in Polyclinic Pariaman Hospital
The type of this research is descriptive. This research was conducted at Polyclinic Pariaman
Hospital, the research population was all patients of Diabetes Mellitus with 82 samples with
accidental sampling technique. The data were collected by questioner, then the data was
processed by computerization and then analyzed.
The result of the research was the highest respondent's diet management in the high category
which is 61 people (74.4%), the physical exercise of the respondents was the lowest in the low
category of 43 people (52.4%), the most respondent in the high category was 63 people
(76.8% ) and the treatment of most respondents in the high category that is 48 people (58.5%).
It is desirable for patients to follow all the management processes of diet management as well
as treatment therapies that have been determined by the hospital, so that DM disease can be
Keywords : Diabetes Mellitus, therapy, Disease
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Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat
Jl. Pasir Kandang No.4, Pasie Nan Tigo, Kec. Koto Tangah, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat 25586.
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