Peran Profesi Bk Dalam Pengembangan Potensi Diri Siswa

Yulianti Yulianti, Randy Aryanto, Dwi Kurnia Sari, Vegestina Rimulawati, Yodia Setiawati



The Guidance and Counseling (BK) profession has a crucial role in helping students develop their potential. This research aims to explore and describe the role played by counselors in supporting students' personal and academic growth. Qualitative research methods were used by conducting in-depth interviews with a number of school counselors. Findings show that the counselor's role includes providing individual and group counseling services, identifying student needs, providing emotional support, and providing career guidance. Apart from that, counselors also act as a liaison between students, parents and schools. The implication of this research is the importance of strengthening the role and support of the guidance and counseling profession in the education system to ensure the holistic development of students' potential.

Key word: The role of the guidance and counseling profession in students' professional development

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