Immunization programs in infants expect each baby to get all five basic immunization types.
The success of a baby in getting 5 types of basic immunization is measured through a complete
basic immunization indicator. Negative impact for children who are not fully immunized is that
the child may be at risk of contracting or contracting preventable diseases by immunizing
tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Polio, and Measles. Full immunization coverage based on health
office in Indragiri Hulu district is still found 32.1% immunized but not complete, and 87.1%
are never immunized, for various reasons. The purpose of this research is to know the
relationship of mother knowledge about basic immunization with completeness of giving
immunization to infant at kampong village of working area of puskesmas kambesko in 2016.
The method used is analytical method with Cross Sectional design and sampling technique is
Total Samplin. The result of the research shows that 76 respondents have enough knowledge of
42 respondents (55,3%), and from 76 respondent majority give complete immunization as 56
person (73,7%). Results by using chi-square obtained p value <0.05 (p = 0.03). Conclusion
there is a relationship of mother knowledge about basic immunization with completeness of
immunization at baby in village of Kampung Island working area of Puskesmas Kambesko
Keywords: Knowledge, basic immunization, completeness of immunization
The success of a baby in getting 5 types of basic immunization is measured through a complete
basic immunization indicator. Negative impact for children who are not fully immunized is that
the child may be at risk of contracting or contracting preventable diseases by immunizing
tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Polio, and Measles. Full immunization coverage based on health
office in Indragiri Hulu district is still found 32.1% immunized but not complete, and 87.1%
are never immunized, for various reasons. The purpose of this research is to know the
relationship of mother knowledge about basic immunization with completeness of giving
immunization to infant at kampong village of working area of puskesmas kambesko in 2016.
The method used is analytical method with Cross Sectional design and sampling technique is
Total Samplin. The result of the research shows that 76 respondents have enough knowledge of
42 respondents (55,3%), and from 76 respondent majority give complete immunization as 56
person (73,7%). Results by using chi-square obtained p value <0.05 (p = 0.03). Conclusion
there is a relationship of mother knowledge about basic immunization with completeness of
immunization at baby in village of Kampung Island working area of Puskesmas Kambesko
Keywords: Knowledge, basic immunization, completeness of immunization
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Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat
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