Denai Hotel Bukittinggi. The purpose of this study was to find the influence of organizational
commitment to employee performance Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi. The population in this
study were all employees of Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi as many as 58 people. Sampling in
this study conducted by census. The analytical tool used by using structural equation model
Partial Least Square (PLS) .From the results of the analysis found that the relationship
between organizational commitment has a positive relationship with the performance of 0626,
organizational commitment is a variable that needs to be improved to achieve the performance
of employees in order to provide services prima on a Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi. Based on
the results of this study in an effort to improve employee performance. Leaders and employees
of Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi can do and enhance the organizational commitment
(affective, normative, continue1) which aims to reduce turover with employees so as to create
a good working atmosphere and instill a sense of belonging to the company.
Keywords: Organizational, Commitment, Employee, Performance
commitment to employee performance Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi. The population in this
study were all employees of Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi as many as 58 people. Sampling in
this study conducted by census. The analytical tool used by using structural equation model
Partial Least Square (PLS) .From the results of the analysis found that the relationship
between organizational commitment has a positive relationship with the performance of 0626,
organizational commitment is a variable that needs to be improved to achieve the performance
of employees in order to provide services prima on a Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi. Based on
the results of this study in an effort to improve employee performance. Leaders and employees
of Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi can do and enhance the organizational commitment
(affective, normative, continue1) which aims to reduce turover with employees so as to create
a good working atmosphere and instill a sense of belonging to the company.
Keywords: Organizational, Commitment, Employee, Performance
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