SMAN 4 Kerinci (Senior High School) is one of favorite schools which has potential
to conduct guidance and counseling service optimally. This is supported by its conducive
condition and the sufficient number of the teachers. All of the teachers have qualification in
Guidance of Counseling education. In addition, this school has adequate facilities.
Unfortunately, the phenomena in the field indicated that the guidance and counseling service
was not effectively conducted. This research was intended to describe the implementation of
Guidance and Counseling service in that school. This was a qualitative research which
applied phenomology approach. The informants of the research were the school fellows
including headmaster, vice headmaster, guidance and counseling teachers, subject teachers
and classroom teachers. The data where collected through observation, interview and
documentation study. To check the trustwortiness of the data, there were four conducted (1)
credibility, (2) transferability, (3) depedability, and (4) conformability. The data gathered
where analyzed by (1) data reduction, (2) displaying the data and, (3) drawing
conclusion/verifying. The research findings showed that the Guidance and Counseling service
was not yet conducted optimally at SMAN 4 Kerinci. The cooperation between Guidance and
Counseling Teachers with other school fellows was not yet established. This research
concluded that the conducive atmosphere, the availability of sufficient qualified teachers, the
adequate number of school fellows and the availability of sufficient facilities unless they were
supported by good cooperation among related parties, the Guidance and Counseling service
would not be optimally accomplished. Based on these conclusions, it was suggested: (1) the
Guidance and Counseling teachers to be professional in carrying out their duties and
responsibility and to be albe to cooperate with other school fellows. and (2) the school fellows
to understand their roles in implementing Guidance and Counseling activities at school and be
albe to get involved actively in.
Key Terms: Guidance and Counseling, Cooperation
to conduct guidance and counseling service optimally. This is supported by its conducive
condition and the sufficient number of the teachers. All of the teachers have qualification in
Guidance of Counseling education. In addition, this school has adequate facilities.
Unfortunately, the phenomena in the field indicated that the guidance and counseling service
was not effectively conducted. This research was intended to describe the implementation of
Guidance and Counseling service in that school. This was a qualitative research which
applied phenomology approach. The informants of the research were the school fellows
including headmaster, vice headmaster, guidance and counseling teachers, subject teachers
and classroom teachers. The data where collected through observation, interview and
documentation study. To check the trustwortiness of the data, there were four conducted (1)
credibility, (2) transferability, (3) depedability, and (4) conformability. The data gathered
where analyzed by (1) data reduction, (2) displaying the data and, (3) drawing
conclusion/verifying. The research findings showed that the Guidance and Counseling service
was not yet conducted optimally at SMAN 4 Kerinci. The cooperation between Guidance and
Counseling Teachers with other school fellows was not yet established. This research
concluded that the conducive atmosphere, the availability of sufficient qualified teachers, the
adequate number of school fellows and the availability of sufficient facilities unless they were
supported by good cooperation among related parties, the Guidance and Counseling service
would not be optimally accomplished. Based on these conclusions, it was suggested: (1) the
Guidance and Counseling teachers to be professional in carrying out their duties and
responsibility and to be albe to cooperate with other school fellows. and (2) the school fellows
to understand their roles in implementing Guidance and Counseling activities at school and be
albe to get involved actively in.
Key Terms: Guidance and Counseling, Cooperation
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Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat
Jl. Pasir Kandang No.4, Pasie Nan Tigo, Kec. Koto Tangah, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat 25586.
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