Primipara who will undergo childbirth by caesarea sectio (CS) require social assistance. The
absence of social support led to primipara in the preoperative SC may increase the risk of
postpartum depression and moderate anxiety. Qualitative research with descriptive
phenomenology design approach aimed at exploring primipara support at the time decided by
emergency caesarea sectio (CS). The study was conducted in January - July 2016 in Midwifery
room, with six participants, six emergency CS patients. The results of this study were analyzed
using Collaizi method. Ethics considered in this study with respect to the principles of research
ethics and the validity of data pay attention to the criteria: credibility, transferability,
dependability and confirmability. The result of research is social support received by primipara
are husband, family and health officer. The results of this study can be concluded that the
support of husbands, families and health workers is a person who is also trusted by the
participants and become one source of support so that support will be very useful. Suggestions
for mothers can be the next lesson in dealing with labor by looking at experience in facing
preoperative emergency CS.
Keywords: Ceasarea Sectio, Primipara, Support
absence of social support led to primipara in the preoperative SC may increase the risk of
postpartum depression and moderate anxiety. Qualitative research with descriptive
phenomenology design approach aimed at exploring primipara support at the time decided by
emergency caesarea sectio (CS). The study was conducted in January - July 2016 in Midwifery
room, with six participants, six emergency CS patients. The results of this study were analyzed
using Collaizi method. Ethics considered in this study with respect to the principles of research
ethics and the validity of data pay attention to the criteria: credibility, transferability,
dependability and confirmability. The result of research is social support received by primipara
are husband, family and health officer. The results of this study can be concluded that the
support of husbands, families and health workers is a person who is also trusted by the
participants and become one source of support so that support will be very useful. Suggestions
for mothers can be the next lesson in dealing with labor by looking at experience in facing
preoperative emergency CS.
Keywords: Ceasarea Sectio, Primipara, Support
Teks Lengkap:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v12i1.484
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