
Hotel PusakoBukittinggi is a 4-star hotel (****) which are on the road Soekarno-Hatta
7 Bukittinggi.As the development of the tourism sector, making someone wants to travel both
domestically and abroad. This would make someone want to get a comfortable resting place in
accordance with their wishes. Therefore, the hotel will be competing to provide the best
service for the guests such as Pusako Bukittinggi hotel. The success can be seen from a hotel
room occupancy rate and this could be a good image for the hotel. This study aims to
determine the service strategy room attendant to room occupancy levels in accordance with
the expectations of guests.
This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The population or sample of the
study include housekeeping manager, supervisor and room attendant located at the hotel
Pusako Bukittinggi, totaling 13 respondents.
The results showed that the occupancy rate of hotel rooms inPusakoBukittinggi below
the expected target for what is offered to guests not in accordance with what you got guests.In
addition, services provided by the room attendant unfavorable, such as discipline accesories
room attendant who wore a necklace when working, rooms were still dusty and guest supplies
are not equipped in the room. And also the current strategy needs to be socialized by the
housekeeping manager to subordinate to the increase in hotel occupancy PusakoBukittinggi.
Based on the research results it can be suggested that the management of the hotel
PusakoBukittinggi provides trainning periodically for all employees especially the room
attendant to improve services in order to achieve occupancy that is targeted by the hotel,
minimize complaints from guests and hoped that room attendant can perform their duties and
responsibilities as good as possible.
Keyword: Strategy, Room Attendant, Occupancy

Teks Lengkap:



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