The State Receivables Committee or abbreviated to PUPN is an Interdepartmental
Committee responsible for the administration of state receivables that have been submitted to
it by Government Agencies or Bodies which are directly or indirectly controlled by the State.
As the legal basis of the State Receivables Committee in managing state receivables is Law
No. 49 Prp Year 1960 About the Committee of State Accounts Receivable.
Government agencies and State entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by the
State, shall submit the handling of the State's bad debts which are and the amounts of which
shall be lawful to the State Receivables Committee. State debt or debt to the State shall be the
amount of money which shall be payable to the State or entity, by virtue of any rule, agreement
or cause.
The administration of State receivables shall be conducted exclusively (not using
procedures in the HIR / RBG) State Receivables Committee is authorized to take legal steps to
settle the State receivables by final through Joint Statement, Letter of Forcedation and
execution measures on goods of guarantee and or other property Owned by the customer /
debt bearer.
In the context of dealing with special state receivables (parate executiie) it is
mentioned that the handling of state receivables that have been declared stalled, according to
the procedures and authorities set forth in Law No. 49 Prp of 1960, contains elements of
public law and therefore In its handling, the State Receivables Committee can not be fully
bound to the debt agreement and or claims based on the consideration of civil law, resulting in
the existence of the accounts of that State.
In the handling of State receivables, firstly preceded by the delivery of state
receivables from receivables receivables in writing accompanied by the requirements and
completeness of documents receivable State and after the State Account Receivable Committee
conducted research then by the State Receivables Committee issued a letter Receipt
Management of State Receivables (SP3N ) And subsequently the State Receivables Committee
shall call the debtor / debtor client, in the event that the debtor arises and acknowledges the
amount of his receivables and is willing to settle it, shall be set forth in a Joint Statement, but
in the event that the debt insurer does not come to fulfill the call and or not to acknowledge
The amount of the receivables is then set forth in the Stipulation of the Amount of State
Based on Article 10 of Law No. 49 Prp Year 1960. Joint Statement is defined as the
recognition of the amount of debt that must be paid by the debtor / debt customers to the State
on the terms of settlement based on the result of negotiation and agreement between the State
Receivables Committee and the debtor / debt. This Joint Statement is a very important legal
foundation for the State Receivables Committee, because this Joint Statement has the perfect
verification power (volledigbewijs) and binding force (dwingendbewijs), therefore this Joint
Statement is headed for Justice by the One Godhead .
Keyword: State Receivables Committee, Joint Statement
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Undang-Undang Nomor 49 Prp Tahun 1960 Tentang Panitia Piutang Negara Kitab
Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata
Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 61/KMK.08/2002 Tentang Panitia Pengurusan Piutang
Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 300/KMK.01/2002 Tentang Pengurusan Piutang
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