Loly Novita, M.IT


Multimedia-based learning approach used in language learning teaching will give
improvement in pronunciation learning. Elements of multimedia involved in (text, sound,
video, animation) can make the teacher maximize his teachig process so that the learning goals
can be achieved effectively. In teaching Pronunciation a teacher is to make the students
pronounce the words correctly as well as consider the stress and intonation in order the
communication runs well. By applying the multimedia-based learning in Pronunciation
teaching, the teaching or learning will be more interesting and productive so that the students’
understanding about language will improve from time to time. Although the weaknesses of this
approach will occur during the time of teaching learning process take place, it can be taken
into account as one of the effective approaches in language teaching.
Keywords—The importances of pronunciation, sound types,multimedia-based learning in the
pronunciation teaching, effectiveness of the multimedia-based learning in pronunciation, more
specific strengths of multimedia-based learning approach in teaching pronunciation, some
problems in applying multimedia-based learning in pronunciation

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