Dewa Ayu Widiasri


The comprehension of English speech must be entirely based on the ability of
producing appropriate articulation. This study is simply conducted to find out disoders in
English phoneme and supra segmental elements which are produced by students of elementary
school in Tampak Siring in academic year 2016/2017. The study made use a descriptive
qualitative approach. The population of the study were the third, fifth and sixth grade students
in which 35 of them was taken as sample of the study. The data was collected by using test,
questioner and open interview. The collected data was analyzed by interactive analysis. Based
on the result of data analysis, it shows that the whole disorders in articulation of English
Phonemes was 532 in total. It consisted of 132 or 23% in fricative, 387 or 72,7 % for in
allophones, 4 or 0,75% for in vowel production and 11 or 2,1% for intonation and 7 or 1,3%
for stress syllable. Types of disorders were Omission (35,3 %), Addition (6,01 %),
Misinformation (51,5 %) and Disordering (7,14 %). The causes of errors were
oovergeneralizations (18 %), Incomplete Applications of Rules (31,01 %), False Concepts
Hypothesized (25 %) and Ignore of Rule Restriction (25,37 %). It can be concluded that the
students have problems in appropriate English articulation. Considering to the significance of
acuracy in expressing spoken message, the teachers must pay deep .attention to this matters
and fix them by encouraging, engaging and envolving them any time practice.
Kata kunci: Phonemes, allophones, Phonological process, suprasegmental

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Vol. X Jilid 1 No.72 November 2016 MENARA Ilmu

LPPM UMSB ISSN 1693-2617

EISSN 2528-7613

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