in sentence construction and to develop their writing skill. The study made use an action
research design with descriptive analysis. The instruments used in the study were in the forms
of test items, observation sheet and questioner. The application of the learning model was
conducted in two cycles each of which consisted two sessions. The scopes of the measurement
were focused on affective domain, cognitive domain and psyhomotoric domain. The
effectiveness of the study could be seen from the increasing main score in every post test
towards the result of pretest and changing learning attitude. The success indicator of the study
was stated that 80% of the students could achieve the minimum passing grade; 75. Based on
the data analysis, 21 students achieved high competency and 17 students got average level.
From the character side view, it was observed that 30 students (86%) were active, 33 students
(87%) was cooperative and 36 students (94%) had great responsibility. From the finding, it
can be concluded that the ability of students under study in writing English was categorized
high and the positive character was more than 50 % culturalized
Key Words: recontruction, translation, character, Tantri Kandaka
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v10i72.27
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