
The background of this research is a gap in the provision of the compensation received
is not in accordance with the demands of fulfillment and satisfaction. Including the growing
need for consumption that contributes to the high economic inflsi community in meeting the
economic needs that are not balanced with the income level of employees receive wages
earned, including various types of compensation in CV. Wahyu Illahi. The number of
complaints and dissatisfaction over the compensation received by the employee, the direct or
indirect impact on the process of work activities, which affect the implementation activities of
daily work because employees are not motivated in running the work activities, as a result of
compensation received can not fix income and welfare of employees.
It can be seen from the coefficient of determination or R square is 0, 406 which means
that the contribution of compensation for the performance of employees amounted to 0.406 or.
40.6% and is influenced by other variables (100% - .. 40.6%) was up 59.4% variables not
examined in this study. Based on the results obtained regression coefficient: Y = 14.00 + 0.589
can be explained that every increase in the compensation of one unit will increase the value of
the employee's performance of 0.589 units or reverse any decline in the compensation
amounted to 0.589 units. Sedangakan when no addition and subtraction of the compensation
the employee's performance will remain at 14:00 unit.
Keywords: Compensation Effect on Employee Performance

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