ISYARAT ONTOLOGIS INTEGRASI ILMU PENGETAHUAN; (Sebuah Kajian filsafat terhadap Teks Hadits Siksa Kubur)

Dr.Fuady Anwar, M.Ag.


This article will discuss regard to the ontology cues of science integration. It is
discovered in the hadith (tradition) of prophet Muhammad S.A.W. talked about the
mistreatment of grave. Meanwhile, to reveal this article date is used the philosophy
approach.Then, as for the result of this discussing, there was two points the prophet
Muhammad’s message for his members (ummah) so they get the cultivation both in the earth
and the hereafter. Firstly,always take care the self-cleanness.And secondly,to develop the
Islamic education through the science integration. In other word we are charged to apply the
two directions above by enforcement the Islamic education equally between the Islamic studies
(ushul al-ad-diin) and the secular sciences. And the same time take care the self-cleanness in
spirituality and bodily.
Keyword: ontology cues,science integration.

Teks Lengkap:



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