In Indonesia during 2015 the use of contraceptive tools has decreased drastically.
Decrease in the use of contraceptives in Indonesia caused by increasing unmet need.
Unmet need affects the increase of population and also affects health problems. Many
factors that influence the incidence of unmet need include age and number of children, age,
income, previous contraceptive failure, number of children. Therefore this study aims to
analyze the determinant factors associated with the incidence of Unmet Need KB in
couples of childbearing age. This type of research is quantitative research using analytical
survey method with retrospective approach. The population in this study were all couples
of childbearing age in Kampago Ipuah urban village. The sample size in this study was
calculated using the formula with the finite population. The sample required in this
research is 178 people data collection using primary data through interview. This study
analyzed the data that have been obtained through multivariate test.The result of this
research indicate that affectingfactor of unmet need family planning are age with p value
0,000 (p<0,05) and number of children with p value 0,000 (p<0,05). According to result of
multiple regression test,we get the determinant factor that affecting unmet needis age with
OR value of age (0,135). Recomended to respondent to more know the effect if not use
family planning, and for health personnel family planning to improve the health personnel
family planning in counseling, hopefully it can to reduce the unmet need.
Keywords: Unmet Need, Couples of childbearing age, family planning
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v13i3.1211
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