Inulinase is an enzyme that can catalyze inulin hydrolysis reaction to fructose and
fructooligosaccharide (FOS) which two important compounds in the food industry. This
study aims to determine the optimum activity of inulinase on variations in pH (3.5; 4; 4.5;
5; and 5.5), temperature (18ºC; 25ºC; 28ºC; 37ºC and 45ºC); and substrate concentration
(0.5%; 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.25%) with an incubation time of 30 minutes. In addition, this
study also aims to determine the value of KM, Vmax and determine the type of action of
inulinase. Determination of the optimum activity of inulinase was determined by DNS
reagents whose absorbance was measured using spice at λ 536 nm. Determination of the
type of action of the inulinase enzyme is determined by the TLC method. Inulinase activity
found optimum at pH 4; 40ºC temperature and 2% substrate concentration. The values of
KM and Vmax inulinase are 3.12% (w / v) and Vmax is 0.288 U / mL. The type of action of
inulinase enzymes found in Rhizosphere bacteria dahlia isolates A1-KG is endoinulinase.
Keywords: inulin, inulinase, inulinase enzyme activity, and type of inulinase action from
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