Ones that supports a learning process in the course is the completeness of facilities and
infrastructure. The author design the performance test equipment of single, series and
parallel pump, to increase the level of students understanding in the Mechanical
Engineering Department of Muhammadiyah University, West Sumatra. Two pump used is
a kind of aquarium pump in the same type (MERCURY MP-700). Power is10 watts, head
is 90 cm and a maximum capacity is 700 l / h. Installation arrangement made as small as
possible so it is easily removed, placed on a lab table when using it. As a test results
obtained, the performance of the two pumps are relatively similar. After compared with the
theoretical formulation of the laws Bernoulli, the experiment result is reduce that of the
ruducing of the flow rate accumulated in the lower elevations head, for a reduction of the
flow rate in series arrangement is the head height is not too large, while the parallel
arrangement is a increase in the height of maximum head. The research isnot able to show
the lower head since the flow capacites is measure using a scaled glass and stopwatch at a
height of 30 cm.
Keywords: performance pump, head, flow capacity, a single, serial and parallel.
Teks Lengkap:
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Pradnya Paramita
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v13i2.1186
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