Pengembangan Modul Problem Based Learning pada Materi Asam Basa Kelas XI SMA/MA
Generally, in the research method, there are several types of research. The type of
research conducted is development research or Research and Development (R & D).
This research aims to develop acid-base module based on problem based learning for
learning class XI SMA / MA, and evaluate the categories of validity and practicality of
the module. The development model used in this development is a 4-D model consisting
of 4 stages, namely define, design, development and disseminate. The problem based
learning acid base module is validated by 5 validators consisting of 3 chemistry lecturers
from FMIPA UNP and 2 chemistry teachers at SMAN 1 Payakumbuh which using
an instrument in the form of a validation sheet. Practical tests were carried out with 2
chemistry teachers and 33 students of class XII IPA 5 SMAN 1 Payakumbuh using instruments
in the form of practical questionnaires. The results of the analysis of the validity,
practicality of the teacher, and the practicality of the students showed that the
average score of moment kappa (k) was 0.82, 0.88 and 0.80. The module is very valid
and practical to use.
Keywords : Acid Base, 4-D Models, Module, Practicality, Problem Based Learning, Research
and Development (R & D), Validity.
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