Pengembangan Modul Termokimia Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Terintegrasi Eksperimen untuk Kelas XI SMA/ MA
Thermochemistry is a topic which consists of abstract concepts that makes it
harder to be understood by students. But students can understand it if they were guided
to build their knowledge by finding the concepts by themselves and putting student’ as
subject of the study. An instructional learning model that can be used to learn this topic
based on it is characteristic is guided inquiry model. This study aims to develop a thermochemistry
module based on inquiry integrated with experiments for senior high
school students’ and to determine validity and practicality category of the developed
product. The research type was Research and Development (R&D) with 4-D model,
which will resulted a specific product. 4-D model consists of four steps, Define, Design,
Develop, and Disseminate. This study performed validity and practicality test only. The
instrument were validity and practicality questionnaire. Data collecting technique were
disseminated the questionnaire and the analysis of the result were done using Kappa
Cohen formula. Based on the analysis of the validity questionnaire, Kappa moment value
obtained was 0.81 which considered as very high and from the analysis of practicality
test from teachers and students were 0.93 and 0.81 respectively. It can be concluded
that the developed thermochemistry module based on guided inquiry integrated with
experiments is valid and practice to used on a learning process.
Keywords : guided inquiry, module, research and development, thermochemistry, 4-D
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