Wahyu di


Cocoa plant was a plantation commodity that had high economic value. Until now, farmers
had not much interest in making cocoa as the main plant in the field of plantation due to lack
of knowledge about technical cultivation.The purpose of this research was to determine the
effect of planting media comparison using solid waste rubber in planting breeding cocoa. This
research was conducted in Pebaun Hilir Village, Kuantan Mudik district, Kuantan Singingi
Regency. The research was conducted for 4 months starting from August to November 2017.
The design used in this research is non factorial Random Group Design (RAK), that was
planting media of solid waste rubber factory consisted of 4 treatment levels, repeated as many
as 3 replications so that 12 units of experiment were obtained. Each experimental unit
consisted of 4 plants, 3 of which were used as sample plants. The treatment was as follows: S0:
Soil PMK (Control), S1: 1: 3 (soil: solid waste rubber factory), S2: 2: 2 (soil: solid waste
rubber factory), S3: 3: 1 (soil: solid waste rubber factory). The observational data were
analyzed statistically and continued with the Brightness Advanced Test (BNJ) at 5% level. The
parameters observed were: Plant height (cm), stem diameter (cm), number of leaves (strands),
leaf area (cm). The comparison treatment of planting media using solid waste rubber factory
had an effect on observation parameter of leaf area with mean of 249 cm2 with best treatment
1: 3 (soil: solid waste rubber factory).
Keywords: Comparison of planting media, growth of cocoa seedlings

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/mi.v12i10.1039

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Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM). Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat
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