Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Learning Using the Problem Based Learning Model in Class VI Students UPT SD Negeri 13 Painan
The low level of attention of students in learning Islamic religious education is due to the fact that the method used is monotonous and uninteresting, so there are problems that arise during learning, such as learning that is less focused on the students (student centered) because only the teacher is active, students are less focused on the material. , students feel bored and unhappy when the learning process takes place, there are students who are sleepy so they don't pay attention to the teacher when teaching, when given practice questions many students copy from other students. This research was conducted using a qualitative field research approach which was carried out at UPT SD Negeri 13 Painan Utara. Data collection was carried out using interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis in this research uses data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research can be concluded that: the use of the problem based learning model in Islamic Religious Education learning is carried out through learning stages starting from planning, implementation, and evaluation. The use of the problem based learning model in PAI learning has been carried out quite effectively
Keyword :Islamic Religious Education, learning models, problem based learning.
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