The Relevance of Mahmud Yunus's Thought to Islamic Education in the Era of Digital Transformation

Badriah Badriah


Mahmud Yunus is one of the educational figures from West Sumatra, Indonesia. He was the first rector of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. In his lifetime, education with digital technology was not yet known, but the results of his thinking were seen as having relevance to education in the digital era that exists today. Therefore, this study aims to reveal aspects that have relevance between Mahmud Yunus's thoughts and Islamic education in the digital era. This research is a literature review, namely research data collected from literature data both obtained from journals and books as well as the results of the thoughts of academics related to the thoughts of Mahmud Yunus. The results of the research are first, the Concept of Islamic Education Mahmud Yunus's perspective includes the purpose, understanding, content or material, curriculum, methods, educators, and forms of the Islamic educational environment. Second, The relevance of Islamic education according to Mahmud Yunus in the era of digital transformation is in harmony with the existence of religious education and general education and the classification of subject matter is in line with the current classification of education which is closely related to affective, cognitive, and psychomotor aspects. The method does have to adjust the age level of students. And Integration of the curriculum in terms of religious and general sciences. Furthermore, the educational environment influences character building and hones skills and skills so that students have it.


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