Fitra Marlina


Education is a very principle thing in life and an invaluable asset for individuals and society. Education is important for a nation, where education reflects the personality and culture of the nation itself. Without education, the nation will not be able to progress, because the progress and decline of a nation depends on education. Education is what will change the fate and behavior of humans both personally and as a society for the better, in other words education holds an important position for humans. Without education, humans will experience instability in their lives. So the implementation of religious character education in PAI learning at SDN 7 Muaro Bodi, IV Nagari District is very necessary so that educational goals can be achieved. The objectives to be achieved in this research are to determine the form of planning for religious character education in PAI learning at SDN 7 Muaro Bodi, IV Nagari District, the implementation of religious character education in PAI learning at SDN 7 Muaro Bodi, IV Nagari District, and the obstacles faced in character education. religion in PAI learning at SDN 7 Muaro Bodi, IV Nagari District. The method in this research is qualitative, while the data collection technique uses three stages, namely: observation, interviews and documentation. The results show that the form of character education planning in PAI learning at SDN 7 Muaro Bodi begins with a systematic learning plan, this is shown by the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) which is oriented towards character formation, which is stated in KI 1 which aims to appreciate and practice the teachings. religion adhered to by students, this shows that there is a character education process so that students become religious, character education in PAI subjects at SDN 7 Muaro Bodi, as follows: 1) the implementation of character education from teachers to students is not optimal, , 2) insufficient the synergy of implementing character education in schools with families, 3) the influence of student interactions outside the madrasah which do not yet support character education.

Keyword : Implementation, Character Education, Islamic Religious Education

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